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Book a children's hearing test with a qualified audiologist in Townsville

Hearing loss can happen in children at any age, even if they passed the universal newborn hearing screen.

Sometimes their hearing can change slowly without anyone noticing. Picking up their hearing loss early coupled with specialist early intervention is key so children can develop and meet milestones at the same age as their peers. This also helps to reduce the chance of having speech and language delays and other difficulties.

Visit Hear and Say for a hearing test for babies, toddlers and children of all ages. Our friendly audiologists will help to find hearing solutions to suit their needs.

Child Having Their Hearing Screened

Experts in hearing for children and adults

Mateo Looking At Camera

Signs your child may need a hearing test

There are a number of signs or symptoms to look out for in babies or young children. These signs of hearing loss can vary depending on their age and the severity of the hearing loss, including:

  • Worried about them following directions or responding to questions you’ve asked

  • The child says “What?” or “Huh?” quite often

  • They always want to have the volume on the iPad or TV turned up louder than other family members

  • Differences in their speech or language when compared to siblings or friends of a similar age

  • Not startled by loud sounds

  • Concerned about learning difficulties

  • You notice they’re overtired after going to Kindy or school

Our Townsville audiology services

Our experienced team at Hear and Say offer hearing tests, cochear implant assessments and ongoing support as well as specialist speech therapy, using the latest technology at our hearing clinic in Townsville. These services are delivered by our qualified audiologist and speech pathologists.

Hearing screen

A hearing screen checks if your child's hearing levels are within the normal range. It is a quick test.

Hearing tests for children

Our team of paediatric audiologists are specialists in children's hearing and can do a number of hearing tests depending on how old the child is.

These start with the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), Visual Reinforcement Audiology (VROA), play audiometry and once a child is able to press the button when they hear a sound, they can do a hearing test like adults.

Hearing aids

Babies who have a hearing loss picked up are often fitted with hearing aids as young as six weeks old. They're still fitted with hearing aids even if they're going through evaluation and assessments for cochlear implants.

Cochlear implant assessments

If your child may be suitable for a cochlear implant our paediatric audiologists can help with a cochlear implant evaluation.

These evaluations include quite comprehensive testing including medical, audiology and speech and language assessments which will tell us if they're a suitable candidate for cochlear implants.

Img Girl Playing With Toy

The Hear and Say approach to audiology testing

At Hear and Say in Townsville we offer hearing tests and services for babies, toddlers and older children who need to have their hearing checked.

Visit our Townsville
Hearing Clinic - in three
easy steps


Level 2 Building 500, Clinical Practice Building, 1 James Cook Drive, JCU Douglas Campus, Townsville Qld 4811 PO Box 190, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811
P 07 3850 2111

F 07 3366 1803

Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm

Book a hearing test at our Townsville​ clinic

Get in touch and request a hearing test online with Hear and Say in Brisbane. You can also phone our friendly team who will help to book your hearing test.


Before you come into Hear and Say for a hearing test, our team will email you the link to a form that covers off some background information ahead of the day.

Hearing test and diagnostics

Having a hearing test for toddlers and children is generally a fun and painless experience. There are two types of hearing tests typically undertaken for this age group including behavioural testing (which requires a response from the child) and objective testing (which doesn't require a response).

The behavioural testing will involve play-based testing with the activities changing depending on the childs age.

After your appointment, the audiologist will discuss the results with you and provide any suggestions or recommendations depending if your child has hearing loss.

Hearing test FAQs

A hearing test on a toddler or child takes between 45 and 60 minutes to ensure we can undertake a complete diagnostic hearing test. This timing may vary depending on the type of testing done and the child’s responses.

You don’t need a referral for a hearing test however children under the age of 16 years are able to claim on the medicare rebate if they do bring along a referral.

If the child is under 16 years old they may be eligible for a Medicare rebate with a referral form from their doctor. The cost of a hearing test ranges and mostly depends on the age of the child or person being tested.

Part of the cost of hearing tests can be covered by Medicare if you have a referral from your doctor.

Hear and Say provides hearing aids for anyone over the age of 26. If a child or young adult requires hearing aids, and are under the age of 26, Hearing Australia can provide them through the Australian Government’s Hearing Services program.

Hearing aids are suitable for people with mild, moderate and moderately severe hearing loss. Hearing aids will make sounds louder where as cochlear implants convert sounds into electrical signals. Cochlear implants then deliver these signals to the hearing nerve which transmits to the hearing brain. Cochlear implants are suitable for people with severe or profound hearing loss and require surgery where as hearing aids do not. Our health professionals will talk you through both, and give recommendations based on your individual hearing needs.

“Since coming to Hear and Say, Freya is talking with others – she is also communicating with her peers at day care, which she wasn’t able to do for quite some time. It has made such a remarkable difference and we don’t believe she would be where she is today without the regular speech therapy she does with Liza. It’s one of Freya’s highlights for the week.”

Emily, Freya's mum

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Online learning

From tinnitus, to cytomegalovirus, to teaching kids with hearing loss – further your knowledge with our on demand webinars.

2022-23 Annual Report

Read about the 300 babies born with hearing loss in Australia each year, and how Hear and Say continued to change lives this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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